Android : Install CM 10.1 on non unlocked / non rooted LG optimus 4x HD
As informations are scattered on severals forum threads and various websites, I made a little summary of ressources and steps to follow to install CynogenMod 10.1 on an LG Optimus 4x HD (implies unlocking the bootloader, thus warranty lost)… it might help someone 😉
Note : I did not manage to make the following to works with a (VirtualBox) Win XP Virtual machine (thought linux host) as the only usb device that can be added to the VM is “LG Modem” and the upgrade software need a direct ADB connection.
There may be a solution by changing some udev rules, but as I had a windows machine in side of me, I didn’t search more than a few minutes…
Step 1 : install the unlockable V20A_00 firmware
- Install LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981MAN38AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3.8.1.exe
- Install Fastboot driver (CT_HsPhone_General_Drivers.rar)
- 64/DPInst.exe
- plug phone and check that windows recognize the device (activate debug on phone)
- unactivate Modems/LGE AndroidNet USB Modem in peripherals manager
- boot in download mode (usual procedure: remove battery, wait 30 sec, keep vol down pushed and plug
- usb, then put the battery back)
- wait for device to be detected by Windows then launch KDZ_FW_UPD in administrator
- check that “3GQCT” and “DIAG” are selected in comboboxes, select the KDZ file (V20A) then clic “Launch software update”
- wait for the process to finish (the phone should reboot)
- if bootloop : boot recovery (vol down + power), then factory reset and wipe cache)
- Be aware that some firmware image are no unlockable… I got 2 the one which worked has a size of 602 Mb
Step 2 : unlock bootloader + install CWM
- use all-in-one script (unplug usb, activate debug mode then plug usb back)
- first question : step 2 (driver already installed in previous step)
- option 2 : unlock bootloader (phone should reboot ask you weither your are shure : if yes push vol up. When done, remove cable and battery, then put them back to reboot)
- option 1 : root (follow on screen procedure : remove usb cable, reboot recovery, select ADB update and press any key, then reboot and check that you have a new app : su)
- Install Rom Manager from google play and install CWM (6.0.3 minimum required for CM 10.1) Note: I don’t use the option 6 of the script “all-in-one” as it installs CWM 6.0.1, not 6.0.3)
- unplug usb cable, disable usb debuging, replug usb cable and select MTP
- copy any p880 nightly build to external sdcard
- boot recovery, wipe all (factory + dalvik)
- install from zip (external sdcard) then reboot
Step 4 : additional mods / apps (personal taste)
- Bravia_Engine_2 : install zip and modify build.prop according to the post
- google apps (see the CM’s wiki)
- V6Supercharger : SdCard Speed Tweaks, 3G TurboCharger, Flush-O-Matic, Fix Emissions, Wheel alignment, Detailling (clean database) on boot
- Set density to 280 (/system/build.prop : ro.sf.lcf_density…)
- To come : replace the kernel (I’m thinking about WerewolfJB kernel)
- All-In-One Script : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2230934
- CT_HsPhone_General_Drivers : httpforum.xda-developers.comshowthread.phpt=2180497&page=2 (Scroll down)
- LGUnitedMobileDriver : http://www.lg.com/sg/support-mobile/lg-Optimus-4X-HD-P880
- UpgradeKDZ : http://androidromupdate.com/2013/04/14/manual-upgrade-lg-optimus-4x-hd-p880-to-v20a-official-android-4-1-2-jelly-bean/
- Bravia_Engine2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2223835
- LGNotification : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1821249
Link to this post!