Video: Convert a video for a Clie TH55
this article is about convert any video to a file suitable for a sony Clie TH55. You will need ffmpeg to make the following working. […]
Continue reading »Sharing few experiences that may be of any interest…
this article is about convert any video to a file suitable for a sony Clie TH55. You will need ffmpeg to make the following working. […]
Continue reading »Use XSLT to make a smart pagination rendering result in HTML, more or less like the google one. The following is extracted from an old […]
Continue reading »The following function decode HTML entities en return a plain text string:
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function entityDecode(strHTML) { var tmpTextArea = document.createElement("textarea"); tmpTextArea.innerHTML = strHTML.replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">"); var decodedStr = tmpTextArea.value; document.removeElement(tmpTextArea); return decodedStr; } |
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Continue reading »If you want to check if any checkbox is selected, but checkboxes have all the same name and are so part of an array, here […]
Continue reading »ZendFramework provides a class to handle configuration: Zend_Config. It also provides a class to manage cache: Zend_Cache. But, unless the Zend_Translate component (as of the […]
Continue reading »Acrobat reader throught IE can complain about a “document not found” when you try to send a PDF throught the web server. A way to […]
Continue reading »A little function to transform an ascii string into a Mac Roman string suitable for MacOS Pre X
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function AsciiToMacRoman($str) { return strtr($str, "xc4xc5xc7xc9xd1xd6xdcxe1xe0xe2xe4xe3 xe5xe7xe9xe8xeaxebxedxecxeexefxf1xf3 xf2xf4xf6xf5xfaxf9xfbxfcxb0xa7xb6xdfxae xb4xa8xc6xd8xa5xaaxbaxe6xf8xbfxa1xac xabxbbxa0xc0xc3xf7xffxa4xb7xc2xcaxc1 xcbxc8xcdxcexcfxccxd3xd4xd2xdaxdb xafxb8x22x22x27x27", "x80x81x82x83x84x85x86x87x88x89x8ax8b x8cx8dx8ex8fx90x91x92x93x94x95x96x97 x98x99x9ax9bx9cx9dx9ex9fxa1xa4xa6xa7 xa8xabxacxaexafxb4xbbxbcxbexbfxc0xc1 xc2xc7xc8xcaxcbxccxd6xd8xdbxe1xe5xe6 xe7xe8xe9xeaxebxecxedxeexefxf1xf2xf3 xf8xfcxd2xd3xd4xd5"); } |
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Continue reading »Here is a way I found to make full a full text search on entire words only with postgreSQL (tested on v8.1):
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select field1,field2 from my_table where field1 similar to '[[:<:]]myword[[:>:]]' |
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