Project : Openhab binding for Zibase
As an home automation passionate, I have some parts of my home which are automated (heating, lights, roller shutter,…).
I’m using a French box from Zodianet which name is Zibase since more than 2 years now. This box as a great advantage for its price : it recognizes a lot of protocols (433 Mhz, Xdd, ZWave, enOcean, visionic 868, X10).
BUT, the only way to program it is to use a Cloud based interface which is awfull and not very flexible… at least regarding solutions like OpenHab.
That’s why I created a binding for Openhab, allowing to bypass the cloud interface and use the zibase as a kind of “Rf Router” for OpenHab.
The code is actualy in the official GitHub pull requests waiting list : https://github.com/openhab/openhab/pull/1684
The fork I created can be viewed here : https://github.com/jit06/openhab
While the binding’s source code is being reviewed by openhab authors, I propose the binding for downloading here (see upper part of the right side bar).
Documentation can be found on my fork : https://github.com/jit06/openhab/wiki/Zibase-Binding
Any feedback would be appreciated, in particular for testing zibase 2, zibase PRO, an all sort of sensors I don’t have.